Écrire l'eau

     ​Triptyque photographique, 84,1 x 118,9 cm, fév. 2023

The stream is incredibly agile. 
​It flows continuously.
​Insistent, methodical, tactile.  

​It is difficult to imagine it leaving its bed. It has been conditioned by it throughout its journey, determined in its characteristics. But, in turn, it conditions it. It has given it shape, meticulously and allowing time to give it its place. It did so with the rage of the floods, the dry periods, the continuity of its flow. It shapes its initial path from its source and carves the rock of the mountains. It starts by brushing violently every surface with its lips of water. In a dull, cottony friction, itforms and enlarges its stomach pouch. It meanders tortuously in an intestinal flow; primitive.  

​It rumbles. 

​And through its currents, one can almost hear the dance of the rocks clashing. Each element is drawn into it and participates in turn, drawing and writing the movement of the water. The stone that broke away from the peaks travels among the arms of the bubbling water and gradually splits into pieces, becoming smaller and smaller, thinner and thinner. Until it reaches the end of the journey, almost obliterated. They become rarer and rarer, turning into gravel or sand, and join the fertile silt of the mouth.  

​Grasped by the image, the movement of the water is thus captured, from one moment to the next. A pause in the image reveals, unfolding, how the water acts on the surfaces it reaches.Through some information sampling, something appears in a hollow. Itis the loss of information,revealing the very essence of a movement. Shapes on the surface, awriting of motion. Never identical. Captured in their movement, the light writes the water, on its surface. The shades of grey and black reveal the motion of water. 

​It is difficult to imagine it leaving its bed. Throughout its journey it has been conditioned by it, determined in its characters. But, in its turn, it conditions it. It has given it its shape, meticulously and allowing time to give it its place. By the rage of the floods, the rest of the dry periods, the continuity of its flow. From its source, it shapes its initial path and carves the rock of the mountains. Slowly, at first, it grazes violently, with its lips of water, every surface. In a dull, cottony friction it forms and enlarges its stomach pouch. It meanders tortuously in an intestinal flow ; primitive.


Co-autheur : Elisabeth Pan